Disappearing Fish


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
I was shocked to find my 2 common plecos chowing down on a deceased fish this morning. I had a fish go missing about a week ago, same type as what died overnight this time (it had been sickly) and couldn't imagine where it disappeared to. Now I think I know. Anyway, I was shocked. I always thought they were herbivores, but now read they are omnivores. I truly think they get enough to eat, as their poo strings are numerous, thick and quite long (sometimes a foot long)! So why would they do this? Both plecos are over 12 inches long and get along 95% of the time. My tank is 75 gallons, so plenty of room for both. My other 20 fish are very small, ranging in size from 2-3 inches (tetras, barbs, killis, danios).


Large Fish
Jul 27, 2005
Grove, Oklahoma
Tons of qeustions for you. how is your water conditioning? what are the other species of fish? you say the fish was sickly? what was wrong with it? just need more information here please.


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
75 gallon
- 2 common plecos (12+ inches each)
- 4 blind cave fish
- 2 black ruby barbs
- 4 buenos aires tetra
- 2 giant danios
- 4 killifish (2 are golden wonder and 2 are unidentified silvery killis that look like the golden wonders in everything but coloring)
- 3 black tetra
- 1 purple passion danio (started with 3 about 2 weeks ago)

The purple passions appear to be something rare, as only one fish store in my big city was able to get ahold of some. They are very tiny. My other fish are all adults. I think it is the giant danios picking on the little purple passion danios. Those giant danios pick at EVERYONE, but the adult fish can stand up for themselves better than a baby could. The 1st purple passion I lost was missing a chunk of it's head. The 2nd one looked like someone bit up his one side. I think it is hard adding fish to an already established tank, as most of the fish you find at LFS are babies.