disappearing rubber mouth pleco


Small Fish
Oct 13, 2006
Hmmm, weird. So I got a rubber mouth about 3 days ago and it is in my aquapod 24 with some zebra danios one male betta and a small yellow spiney eel. I went to look for it today and it was gone. I looked in the back where the filter compartments are, nothing. Everywhere nothing. Is it possible that one/some of the other fish ate it? The rubber nose was maybe 1-2 inches, very small. I mean there are not even any signs of a carcass that I can see. And it's the closed top aquapod so theres no way to jump out either. Do they dig in the sand like the eel? I'm just at a loss now. No clue where it could have gone. Please help. Oh yeah the eel is only about 3 inches or so. Still very very small.

Last edited:
Apr 22, 2003
Plecos are nocturnal fish and tend to hide... very well. He's probably there and just fine. Since its small, there's an even better chance of him finding some tiny spot and staying there until he decides that your tank is safe, or until he gets hungry enough to explore. They're not into burrowing, as far as I know. If you have any driftwood in the tank, he might be there since driftwood is a pleco favorite.

Anyway, he might come out eventually. Or try looking at your tank when the lights are off and see if he is less shy when its dark.