discus fry in a community tank?


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
so what are the chances of the fry surviving in a community tank? At the moment two discus are guarding eggs which they have cleverly placed on my magnet cleaner! In the tank there are
4 discus
1 angel
2 pearl gourami
4 glass catfish
2 scissortails
3 cory
2 loaches
1 bristlenose
what should i do? just let nature take its cause or remove the parents and fry if they hatch? The only spare tank i have tho is a 10 gal!


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2009
Mumbai India
not a expert in discus fry and other fish but i am sure the angels will snipe those fry one by one so my instinct says move fry to other tank. But you can wait for some other experts to reply.


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
well too late, i moved the mum dad and eggs into a seperate tank, the smaller discus spotted her eggs quite quickly and instantly started fanning and cleaning them, then the big discus came a long and started eating them!!!....well the smaller discus was having none of this so had a right go and then they both started cleaning and fanning together!! It was lovely to watch and i really thought it was gonna work but the next morning....the eggs were gone!! Greedy guts!!!