so what are the chances of the fry surviving in a community tank? At the moment two discus are guarding eggs which they have cleverly placed on my magnet cleaner! In the tank there are
4 discus
1 angel
2 pearl gourami
4 glass catfish
2 scissortails
3 cory
2 loaches
1 bristlenose
what should i do? just let nature take its cause or remove the parents and fry if they hatch? The only spare tank i have tho is a 10 gal!
4 discus
1 angel
2 pearl gourami
4 glass catfish
2 scissortails
3 cory
2 loaches
1 bristlenose
what should i do? just let nature take its cause or remove the parents and fry if they hatch? The only spare tank i have tho is a 10 gal!