Discus help

I was wondering about something I have wanted to know for a while and that is, is there a way to get rid of planaria completely?. And I also would like to know if planaria affects Discus eggs.

I have been taking care of Discus for a few years. And I have tried methods like copper treatment, uv sterilization and various medications but they don't seem to get rid of them. The closest I have come is with Baushman's Fish Tonic. I do a 50% water change once a week to keep my water good. I am feeding Frozen Bloodworms and Turkey heart twice a day. There have been times where i have managed to completely slow the multiplying down,but there are always a few that remain and start the multiplying process over again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.


Small Fish
Nov 24, 2003
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I'm no expert but have been told that its more benificial(sp?) to do smaller waterchanges 2-3 times a week of approx 20-25%.I've been doing this with my lot with a heavily planted tank and the water is super.Its better for the bacteria in your tank..........

Just a thought...



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
How can we be gentle about this? Basically you need to be a lot more vigorous about cleaning your substrate I would guess. As you seem to think that you have a pretty big infestation it might be that even though you get rid of a lot, but you'll always have some.
I don't know how big your discus are, but if you've had them a few years they should be at the very least 6 inches across. With 5 of those , plus a bunch of tetras, I'd say you were pretty crowded. Also feeding turkey heart is likely going to be pretty messy. Are those two things the only things you ever feed. I like blood worms, and shrimp, but also like to mix in a few types of flake and pellet.
I don't know how deep your substrate is, or how heavily planted, but I think you'd be better advised doing a couple of small changes a week, with vigorous substrate hoovering. I have a S American biotope setup with discus et al, and I've progressively dropped the amount of substrate down to less than an inch, and it's helped a lot with tank cleanliness.
I can't beliee planaria are good for eggs, but neither are messy conditions


Small Fish
Nov 24, 2003
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My lot love tetra prima, flake,frozen bloodworm,frozen discus mix and Hikari discus enhancer.Also cos i've had an outbreak of snails i crush the snails on the glass in the morning and they get a free meat breakfast!!!!!!!!!
Oh and i've got a culture of whiteworm on the go as well.But then my lot are still only approx 4in and will eat ANYTHING.Not forgetting fresh live daphnia from LFS.When i first got them they wouldn't eat anything bar meat but through persevernce(SP?) they would eat my hand of they could and they eye up the dog alot!!!!!
