Discus Poll


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
phone march 10 656.jpg

phone march 10 855.jpg

i got 4 in total, 2 blood pidgeons and two cobalts. ill try n attatch some pics 4 u, could u do the same 4 me? i love looking at them and looking at peoples set ups!
sorry i not got the best of pics most of them are on my phone and i can't find my usb cord but ill get tit sorted soon and put them on here


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Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2009
Chicagoland area
That is a nice looking tank. i like all the live plants and those discus look great. I couldn't tell you what breed of discus i have. I did read somewhere awhile back that if they have the peppering on their face that means they have been bred from pigeon bloods. i know one i bought at the LFS was a pigeon blood another i bought at a fish expo and was told it was a checkerboard. my newest one when i asked at a different LFS the guy told me discus are all the same. : ( and my biggest discus : ) no pun intend (monty python joke) my dad gave to me a couple of years ago had no idea maybe a P.B or a red marlboro or something like that.

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Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
ah thank u, i've worked pretty hard on the tank had to do a lot of perservering with the plants but i do love the planted natural look. Your discus are stunning! how big are they? how often do u do your water changes etc on them and wot are your nitrate and ph levels? i'm only asking because i find if my nitrates start to creep above 10 my discus really don't like it!?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2009
Chicagoland area
my discus range from about 2.5 inces to 5 inches i do a weekly water change keep temp about 82 degrees ph 6.6 nitrates about 10 they supposely dont like it higher than 20 so i do keep an eye on it but recently started using something made by fluval called clearmax helps maintain the nitrates.