

Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
In the near future, I may be getting rid of a couple of discus. I am having a baby and moving into an apartment. I need to move because I am looking into a commission program for the military and they seem to be willing to make me an officer if I add nursing credits to my degree and I need a cheaper way of life if I do that.

If anyone would be interested in 2 discus which are approx 3-4 inches round let me know. I don't mean to sound like an arse, but I am going to be picky about who I send them to. If you are/have

1) an aquarium that is at least 30 gallons and isn't stocked or 50 gallons lightly stocked
2) have been keeping aquariums for a while
3) have any knowledge of these fish
4) and must pay for overnight shipping

and want two discus let me know. I CAN NOT guarantee you the sex of these fish. Discus are nearly impossible to sex in their juvenile age and discus are not considered sexually matured until 10-14 months, sometimes 8 months.

I have several strains but I will be selecting which one's I decide to keep. I will let you know which ones I decide to get rid of. My current strains are 3 turqoious high fin diamonds, 2 yellow high fin diamonds, and one blue diamond

I will more than likely keep the yellows. I had a hard time finding the one's I have. They blue is a possible go and at least one turq will be going.


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Long Island, NY
I have a free opening in a 55 gal tank which now only houses one Blue Turquoise discus. I've had fish for many years and came back to the hobby in full force 2 years ago. I've had much experience with discus over the years. Currently mine is in 6.0 pH, no detectable water hardness, and at 82-83 degrees. Let me know if you are interested because I'd gladly like to have some more but haven't had the time to bother searching for reputable sources, especially since many around me are either way too pricey or have been neglected.