diseased betta ?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It looks more to me like it might be an intestinal blockage. Feed a pea without the shell, then don't feed for a couple of days, and hopefully it will clear up.

Be very careful about overfeeding bettas, their stomachs are about the size of their eyes.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Sadly it looks like Dropsy )-: But try the pea thing as Lotus suggested. Also try wetting the food with the aquarium water a few minutes before feeding him. I always soak UB's bloodworms before giving them to him, he slurps them up like noodles.


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
Can you try to get another picture without the glare? Try to get one that is really clear and up close of him. Did you take a look at the disease link Lotus posted? Does it seem to you to be dropsy based on the description of the disease? Again, try to get another picture.

YOW O_O THAT IS SERIOS BLOCKAGE Dropsy is when the whole body is like that and nmot just the stomach, he also would have been dead by now >< ouchie what a blockage..hm.... what other things can you try... First I would leave it for a few more days, as long as hes not showing that he's starving o-o

I've had some pictures for a long time of one who ingested gravil by mistake, the person took him to one of those new fishie vets that are poping up everywhere, ask your local vet if he proffesses in fish ? o.o other then that I have no idea what to do other then watch for gasping" a motor mouth" or try to get some mush pumpkin into a net and see if he's interested in laping it, a teaspoon of that is abit much, but let him nibble it for a minute or two and some of that bloat blockage should go down.

Also dropsy is raised scales and no apatite o_o that most defenetly is surly not dropsy O_O I havent seen this in 4 years..
I would think it's swim bladder, but he wouldint be abil to be in that possision if it was... wow.

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Awesome o_O Maybe I should have used a pea for my betta , he got sevearly blouted every now and then ^^; I'm glad yours is doing okay, ganna have a jumping fishie for awhile though =D cause he'll be in the mood for bubble nesting after a week of such a huge bellie!! Good lukc little guy =3

And nin, I hope your co workers betta does okay o.o it should work ^^; but being over a week of working on it they may need to be pashent.

Many people expect things like that to work rigth away " Me included" but when you think about the blockage within the fish o.o it's best to compair it to your own body ^^ So in a way it would be kinda hopless feeling if they gave the pea one day and just a few days laiter its still not working o.o like in this case. You may need to let your co worker know it'll take a little while ^^.