Disinfecting 'wild caught' rocks/driftwood


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Y'know I found an article a while back on thekrib... And now that I need it, I can't find the darn thing!  ::)

So, the 20gal is nicely growing in, and now its time to get it some new decorations (the 'lying around' skull and coffee mugs just don't work for me anymore)

I was looking at the LPS and all I could say was "HIGHWAY ROBBERY" 30$ for a little chunk of plastic made to look like driftwood/rocks? Surely thou jest!

So this week (or weekend) I'm going to be going for a walk along the river to find some nice new decor!

But I'm worried about putting that stuff into the tank, we live downstream from a LOT of heavy industry (oil/tarsands AND forestry (pulp/paper mills)) I don't even want to think about whats in the water!

So what's the best way to make sure the new decor is clean as a whistle, so as not to kill off my beloved fish?
