Dissapearing Shrimp


Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
I recently got two Ghost, or Grass, Shrimp. I had them for a while, then they started hiding and I forgot about them. At that time I had one in each tank.

Yesterday, I remembered I had them and searched both of my tanks for them, but they were both missing! I couldn't find any skeletons or anything! Could they have already disintegrated? They couldn't be hiding in the 10g because there are hardly any decorations and I looked through the whole thing. The second tank could still have one because it has lots of large rocks that it could be hiding under.

I'll search more today, because I didn't have any time yesterday, but what happened? Where are they?



Large Fish
Nov 20, 2012
Walla Walla Washington
I have 5 small 1-2 inch mollies, a 2-inch betta, and 2 1-inch danios. I also have a zebra nerite snail. The shrimp were each about an inch long, could any one of these guys eaten them? Or would they be to big?


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
An inch long is a pretty big ghost shrimp (other name is glass shrimp AFAIK).

I do have some that are close to that size. My LFS sells them for like $0.06/ea, and they are tiny, so I usually get them by the dozen or so for my tanks. Usually half are gone in a few weeks.

It's said that they don't live that long. I've got a few that have to be 3-4 months old.

My fish generally ignore them, but will pick them apart if they're dead. Other shrimp will eat the deceased as well. Cannibals I tell ya.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I've never come across dead shrimp in my tanks. my fish eat them before i can find them dead. and luckily they breed fast enough and i've got enough hiding spaces that i've always got more to replace the ones that happen to die or get eaten. i see my apistos pecking at my christmas moss pretty regularly. guessing they are eating baby shrimp.