Dividing Betta Tanks


Medium Fish
May 14, 2004
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Do you think keeping two bettas in a divided tank is safe?

I've never tried it before, but recently, I put a divider in a ten gallon tank. I've had a red split tail for awhile, but he was pretty lazy, so I added a 2nd blue split tail today, another male. They're each on one side of the divider, pretty calm. There was some initial flaring, but other than that, they are swimming around fine. I don't want to stress them out.

Both seem to be pretty mellow for males-less flaring than I thought there would be. They flared only for the first ten minutes or so. The red is bigger than the new blue, maybe that has something to do with it?

The divided tank is also well planted, lots of cover for both males on both sides.

It seems to be working out, but I'd like everyone's thoughts on the subject.

It's a divided 10 gal tank, with a submersible heater.


Medium Fish
Jan 12, 2004
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Divided tanks are great for the most part. Four of my twelve tanks are divided.

I only had one problem, I had one betta boy who would jump the divider. It was a DIY out of plastic canvas. I am too poor to buy manufactured ones. I finally wound up putting him by himself.

One suggestion though, put a thermometer on both sides of the divider. That way you can tell if the temp is staying even.


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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I've got a 2 gal tank divided into halves for my 2 betta (Cas - my avator and his son) as well :)

One side has a big java fern, the other has a decor where the betta can hide.
most of the time they would hide, but once in a while, they flare at each other... very cute!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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I've got a 2 gal tank divided into halves for my 2 betta (Cas - my avator and his son) as well :)

One side has a big java fern, the other has a decor where the betta can hide.
most of the time they would hide, but once in a while, they flare at each other... very cute!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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I've got a 2 gal tank divided into halves for my 2 betta (Cas - my avator and his son) as well :)

One side has a big java fern, the other has a decor where the betta can hide.
most of the time they would hide, but once in a while, they flare at each other... very cute!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I had 6 bettas in my 17 gallon divided tank and they did fine. They will get used to each other over time.

I have 9 betta jars side by site (better QT) and the bettas are all healthy, flaring now and then.

Breeders keep dozens (if not hundreds) of bettas in clear, side by side containers for months at a time. Bettas are not stressed by company, its only if they can jump over, out or otherwise reach the other betta that there would be trouble.


Medium Fish
May 14, 2004
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Originally posted by Iggy
I had 6 bettas in my 17 gallon divided tank and they did fine. They will get used to each other over time.

I have 9 betta jars side by site (better QT) and the bettas are all healthy, flaring now and then.

Breeders keep dozens (if not hundreds) of bettas in clear, side by side containers for months at a time. Bettas are not stressed by company, its only if they can jump over, out or otherwise reach the other betta that there would be trouble.
That's what I was worried about, or that they would just not stop flaring and be mad at each other all the time. Neither seems to be happening, so I think I'm ok. The two thermometers is a good idea though, the temp does seem to be a bit uneven. Im not sure why, but the temp is warm at the top and cool near the bottom.