I have divided one of my 10gal tanks into three compartments like it was before for three of my male bettas (two VTs and my new feathertail). When I did this before, I kept an eye on them to make sure they weren't stressing themselves out by flaring at each other constantly. This wasn't a problem with the three boys that were in there. They were like "OMG! Another male! I'm bigger!" for the first few days and then pretty much ignored each other for the rest of the time. The only time they'd flare is if one of them was removed from the tank for whatever reason, then again it would only last a couple of days. Well, now flaring is a constant problem in that tank. The main culprit is my new feathertail male. He was in the middle (thought I'd make him the centerpiece), but after the first day, I moved him to one of the side compartments with my more laid-back male in the middle. The two VTs pretty much ignore each other, but Emmett (the feathertail) is still flaring at Edward (the VT in the middle) almost constantly. I don't want him to stress himself out too much and I don't want to move him to one of my small tanks (they're 1.5gal and don't have heaters as they are usually temporary holding tanks). I have store-bought dividers in the tank right now. Is there anything I can add to the dividers that is relatively low-cost that will make it so Emmett can't see his tankmates? I've been trying to think of something I could do that will prevent Emmett from seeing through, but still allow water to flow through, but I keep coming up dry. Any ideas would be much appreciated (especially if I end up keeping the DT male I bought for a friend if she ends up deciding she doesn't want him anymore...he's another fiesty one).