Do fish sleep?

So, Saturday night I'm out having a few drinks. I come home rather late about 1am.

I take a look-si at the tank, and there are no fish to be seen. Mind you I have an Oscar, who is always there when you get home.

I take a closer look, and low and behold, I see the grouramis at the bottome of the tank, no fins moving or nothing.

Then I see the convict wedged between 2 rocks that hold up this cave thing I made in now I start freakin' out, thinking he got spooked and stuck himself in there.

So, I turn the light on, and there is Oscar laying sideways in the middle of a plant, looking all make a long story short after about 5 mins with the light on the fish start waking up...

I never they actually sleep?


Mar 28, 2003
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Yes, they sleep. When all the lights go off, they'll go towards the bottom of the tank or on a rock or wherever their favorite place is and their color usually fades, but when the light goes on, they wake up and regain their color. They don't have eyelids, so it looks like they're dead most of the time!

Both of my Sunburst Platys love to sleep on top of this fake cave. It's adorable. They slide down when they stop moving so they end up wedging themselves in a corner. ^_^


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
They sleep and lose their color. I awoke one morning and looked at my betta. I thought he was dead cuz his color was gone and he didn't appear to be breathing. He was just in a really deep sleep. LOL