Do I have room for them?

My 55g currently houses 8 tiger barbs, 3 red-eyed tetras, 5 neons, 4 "gollies" (about 1.5 inches each) and a few assorted cories. I was wondering if I had room in there for my 3 blind cave tetras. The tank is moderately planted and filtered with a HOB and sponge filter.

Right now my blind cave fish live in a 29 gallon tank with 3 panda cories and 2 albino cories. I'd like to leave the cories, but move the blind guys and put my cherry shrimp in the 29. I was just going to put the cherries in there with the blind guys but then I watched them rip a live ghost shrimp in half one day, so that changed my mind real fast.

Any advice is appreciated. If y'all say that would be too much, then I'll leave well enough alone. Would just like to get rid of the 10 gallon tank that the cherries live in to cut down on my tanks.

Thanks in advance!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Yeah I think they'd probably fit in the 55...the only thing I'd be concerned about is the tiger barbs getting along with them, as I've never kept those tetras before...not sure if the tiger barbs would harass them or not. If they leave your red eyes and the neons alone for the most part things would probably be fine...just wanted to point out that possible concern.