I was just wondering . . . How long can a tank be empty before all of the "biology" dies and you need to cycle the tank again. I just moved. The 75 was empty for almost a week and when i refilled it I added the fish (18 peacocks and 8 frontosas - range in size 1" to 1.5" - 2 kholi loaces, 1 raphial catfish and 1 pleco) the next day (wanted to get them out of the tupperwares they were calling home!) with no problems. The water went from cloudy to crystal clear shortly after filling the tank and sitting up the filter (canister and UG) and has been up and running for almost 4 weeks and the fish look healthy as ever. Now I am thinking of setting up my other tanks and wondering how long will the gravel and filters keep it's healthy biology?
If a tank is without fish (full of water with filter running) will the biology die with no ammonia source and need to be re-cycled?
Things that make you go hmmmm
If a tank is without fish (full of water with filter running) will the biology die with no ammonia source and need to be re-cycled?
Things that make you go hmmmm