Do it yourself over pre-made?

I'm new to the fish keeping hobby so I'm nowhere near ready, in experience or financially (!), to set up a saltwater tank. However, I may as well start considering my options now...

My question is: how does an all inclusive tank (for example the AquaMedic ones) compare to a regular tank with all the equipment specifically bought? Is the difference mainly in price (are Aquamedic ones just expensive because they save you effort)? Or are ones you set up yourself better because you can choose all your own things?


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I don't think the aquamedic ones are expensive! I think the chromis and perc 90 are pretty damn cheap, especially if you buy them in Germany w/Euros (convert pounds to euros for approx 2/3 of the UK cost). But how much is a chromis - 600 quid.
You have a 200 pound light, a decent tank, a decent stand, a decent skimmer ..... - for a 40 litre tank with ALL hardware the chromis is cheap, and good.
With the perc 90 or 120 you need to accept the filtration methodolgy. But still try and shop what they provide, and you will soon see what you're getting. The stuff is not junk either - that is a solid glass tank, solid stand, god MH lighting and so on...

The downside to any of these things tho' is the loss of independant choice. But frankly most of the independant choices a newbie will make are bad ones... skimping on the skimmer, fiddle faddling trying to get bargain lighting....

I am pretty smart and savvy about getting stuff cheap, but for an all in pacakage I can barely beat those.