i have been wanting discus for some time,but due to time and space restraints i don't have the ability to keedp discus right now.so i have been thinking,how about a severum?they look a lot like discus and seem similar in temprement.so i was wondering do you think a severum will work in my tank.here are the specs.
84 gallons
emperor 400
penguin 170
magnum hot 250 pro
via aqua 750, total tank turn over approx.1000 gph
2 48 inch g.e. plant and aquarium bulbs in a shop light
two 300 watt dual temp marineland heaters
1 common pleco 7 inches
1 clown pleco 2 inches
2 brochis splendens
2 corydoras sterbai
10 corydoras aneaus
4 corydoras plaeatus
3 asst.spoted corys approx.2 inches
1 panda cory
20 neon tetras
1 blue ram
now i'm wondering is a severum will fit in with my community tank or if i should just drop the idea.
thanks for any replys
84 gallons
emperor 400
penguin 170
magnum hot 250 pro
via aqua 750, total tank turn over approx.1000 gph
2 48 inch g.e. plant and aquarium bulbs in a shop light
two 300 watt dual temp marineland heaters
1 common pleco 7 inches
1 clown pleco 2 inches
2 brochis splendens
2 corydoras sterbai
10 corydoras aneaus
4 corydoras plaeatus
3 asst.spoted corys approx.2 inches
1 panda cory
20 neon tetras
1 blue ram
now i'm wondering is a severum will fit in with my community tank or if i should just drop the idea.
thanks for any replys