do you think it'll work

Feb 22, 2003
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Ok so I bought a 65g yesterday(setting it up tonight or tomorrow) and I have 3 female bettas who all live seperatly...The question is with that amount of space do you thin it may be possible to put them together??even if I just put 2 toghether cause one has her own tank...its just that I'm selling my 30g and want to use my 10g as a hospital tank and don't want to be constantly medicating one of them in the hospital if she's not sick...If not I will go get her a tank of her own and put just one in the 65g....


Superstar Fish
Apr 14, 2003
Valencia, California.
I see them together at the LFS but dont know how it would work out long term. I think someone on here tried it sucesfully once, but one day one of the females snapped. I guess you could put them in for a little while and watch them to see how they act together?


Medium Fish
Oct 17, 2003
I kept 5 females in my 150 gallon tank. They didnt shoal though they spend muchg of their time alone. They can be as aggressive as the males and their may be some natural dominence. So watch them. Generally aggression in females is kept to flaring at each other the way males flair. I have had 1 aggressive female however and no matter what I tried she had to live solitary. You will just need to try them and see, but if they are all introduced together there shouldnt be an already established territory, so they may well just go their seperate ways and have their own areas. Watch for aggression, stress in females is indicated by horizontal lines on her body, but dont panic if you see them, they can come and go in the blink of an eye. If however they never go away, then consider seperation, constant stress in not good for them and leads to reduced immuno reponse and illness.
Try it and good luck, hope they get on together.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Jeez I wish I had your problems :). I think you should put one of them in the 65 gallon with other fish, 65 gallon is a nice size and can be real fun to work with. Or if you really want all 3 females in it, give it a shot. If that works you could get a male for one of your 10 gallons :).

Feb 22, 2003
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I have 5 males already...They are all in their own tank....Well I set up the 65g tonight...what a pain in the behind trying to move stuff about and those damn bala sharks are awful to try and move but it was completed successfully, I put 2 of the 3 in and one did some flaring and they did thier circles around eachother but seem to be not bad off, I will watch them for a couple days though and see what happens...The one keeps to herself but likes to swim the entire tank...Thanks guys I'll keep you posted on them