Does anyone know how to...?

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
Does anyone on here know how to breed rams ?
I have heard there fairly easy to breed and are expensive?? (in other words, you get a lot of money for them) :cool: i got pics of my rams , but there too big file to fit on the comment! :confused:

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Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
Never bred them personally, but there cichlids so it cant be that hard. Basically male and female are fairly easy to tell apart, male is more colourful and has longer pointed fins, whereas females are a little duller with shorter fins. Just put a mature male and female in a tank, i'd say atleast a 20g, but it can be done in a 10g i believe, and let them do there thing. you should end up with lots of fry within the next couple of months, plus the parents will look after the fry aswell.

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005

lol thanks, hey, f8fan, ive got some pics of my fry tank next to me here, here they are... o, it says the file is too big ? what do i do from here ? :confused:

P.S. f8fan, im getting the hang of this messaging lark on the forum now, i actually might keep this account and not bother with the new one, its too mutch hassle for the managers and the people that look after the forum because its problem after problem, so....

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Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
The easiest way to post pics is to get a yahoo photo album and link it to here. I had the same problem so I did it that way. If you need anymore help with it just ask.

Too answer your question about my water condition. Truthfully I must say I was not trying to breed them (at least yet). The Nitrite and Ammonia are probably due to me overfeeding them because I never saw them eat when I fed them so I would feed several small meals. I was worried about them not eating. I know, stupid me. OR it might be that my snail has died...or at least I assume it has. I read that they act odd, so I'm just waiting to see. I moved it to another tank today. He was usually active (well, out of his shell and lately he's been completely inside). It could have been the rams had gotten aggressive (which it is said they will) and scared him into it. Anyways, I would have done another water change today, but when I went to fill up the jugs I noticed I had ran out of my declorinator and need to go and get some more. I do not know my water hardness.

pH: 7.1
Nitrite: 2.0 ppm
Nitrate: 6.0 ppm
Ammonia: 0.1 ppm

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Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
Ok, thanks, Do you know how to sex rams ? because i still dont know how to ?? *GOLDFISH*

DarkMuse said:
The easiest way to post pics is to get a yahoo photo album and link it to here. I had the same problem so I did it that way. If you need anymore help with it just ask.

Too answer your question about my water condition. Truthfully I must say I was not trying to breed them (at least yet). The Nitrite and Ammonia are probably due to me overfeeding them because I never saw them eat when I fed them so I would feed several small meals. I was worried about them not eating. I know, stupid me. OR it might be that my snail has died...or at least I assume it has. I read that they act odd, so I'm just waiting to see. I moved it to another tank today. He was usually active (well, out of his shell and lately he's been completely inside). It could have been the rams had gotten aggressive (which it is said they will) and scared him into it. Anyways, I would have done another water change today, but when I went to fill up the jugs I noticed I had ran out of my declorinator and need to go and get some more. I do not know my water hardness.

pH: 7.1
Nitrite: 2.0 ppm
Nitrate: 6.0 ppm
Ammonia: 0.1 ppm

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