Don't bite the hand that feeds you

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Was cleaning the tank today and my male Krib charged my open hand and bit my palm. He is fairly new to the tank(1+ week) and seems to have formed a bond with the female Krib. Do you think his aggressive behaviour is a sign that they are pairing up? The are in my 90g tank and have many hiding places and lots of plants. They have shared some time together in a smaller sized cave, perhaps getting ready to breed? What are your thoughts? I thought it was cool that he bit me, lol. Felt a lot like a bluegill nibble when you are at the beach, he definently had teeth, *SUPERSMIL .


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
LOL, well it definitely sounds like he's defending a possible spawning site.

Pretty sure they lay their eggs suspended by a small thread on the ceiling of caves. If your really lucky you might be able to see them. Otherwise the proof will be when you see a cloud of fry and some PO'd parents ;). What else is in the tank with them?


May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I have got 5 madagascar rainbows, a 4" bristlenose pleco, and a kissing gourami with them at the moment. There should be two otto's in there as well, although I haven't seen them in a week or so. I have a couple large swords and bigger pieces of driftwood in the tank and the clay flower pot and small spherical cave that both are hanging out in. They are both displaying bright yellow lines and dark red bellies, with the larger female being darker and more pronounced. She was displaying these colors before I found this male to room with her. It would be real nice to be able to get some krib fry.


Medium Fish
Jan 17, 2009
Congrats on the pair! I too have a beastly little krib but he is so mean I havent tried pairing him yet. I bought him from a 2nd rate petstore that had him in with decent size ca/sa cichlids , which Im guessing is the reason for his horrible attitude.