Don't want to buy a new tank

Hi everyone. I have an older model Aqua-Tech 5 1/2 gallon hex tank. Just recently it started leaking at the top where the acrylic meets the plastic, so i "caulked" that down and fixed it. Next my T5 light went out. I tried replacing it to no avail. I went out and bought a starter thinking that was fried inside the ballast, only to find there are no starters there. All that is there is a terminal board with wires going through it. I don't want to buy a whole new tank just because the light is out, but no one sells tops for these aquariums. Any help would be greatful.

Jul 22, 2006
All I can say is move on. You will not be happy forever with that small tank. As everyone says, bigger is better and easier to maintain. Try to look around and you will find special deals.


Jul 22, 2006
I dunno what Austrian Tetras are. Talk to your wife. There can be agreements. I'd suggest at least 55 gallons or larger, depending on space.


Mod edit: It really isn't necessary to stick your nose in people's marriages. Folks can sort it out on their own

Second mod edit: Not amused with your reply. Regards, Lotus

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Large Fish
Aug 1, 2006
Umm... no.

If you cant get a bigger tank thats fine. Im not exactly an expert on T-5 lighting but if you need tons of light why not try to build a hood yourself and mount something in it? Or if the ballast is fried just buy a new one and put it in yourself instead of getting a whole new fixture. Did you try to replace the bulbs? That may even be the problem...

Here is a suggestion, you could rig up a new fixture that would fit your little tank, using those compact flourescent screw in bulbs. Look in the DIY section of this Forum.... I know there are a few posts on here showing you how to make one. You DONT have to start an arguement with your wife and buy a 55 g , just to rig up a new light fixture.

Here is link I think would help you out quite abit...GIS Guy posted this in the DIY Forum... you could scale it down to fit your small tank. Good Luck!!!!
And dont listen to some of the advice given in this thread.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2006
Yea the compact flourescents would be a good choice. Will this tank be planted or something? Im sure you could fit 4 of those 15 watt bulbs in there if you realy wanted extreem lighting. That would put you at about 12 watts per gallon though and i think you would have an explosion of algae... so do what you can. From what i have noticed thunder has a tendancie to not know when to stop buying things and he often reccomends others to do the same... You are fine how you are.

Breene said:
Yea the compact flourescents would be a good choice. Will this tank be planted or something? Im sure you could fit 4 of those 15 watt bulbs in there if you realy wanted extreem lighting. That would put you at about 12 watts per gallon though and i think you would have an explosion of algae... so do what you can. From what i have noticed thunder has a tendancie to not know when to stop buying things and he often reccomends others to do the same... You are fine how you are.
I am thinking with THAT much lighting in a small tank would be a tad too much. The poor fish would need to wear sunglasses.:cool: