Doubt !?!?!?!?!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
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Hi... ;D ;D ;D
As far as i know the blue gouramis and the angels
do great together..... 8)
also the swordtails with zebras......
but ?????????........can these couples live together???
let's put it straight:
5 little danios zebras (3 females + 2 males)
2 swordtails (1 female + 1 male)
3 little angelfish (1 female + 2 males)
4 blue gouramis (3 females + 1 male)

well....thank you all boys and girls.... ;D


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
your angels in adulthood will get big enough to eat the danios, but they may or may not, it depends on the individual fish's personality. angelfish will get about 6 inches long and 8 inches deep and some get even deeper, and they need a tall tank to develop their anal fins properly. but they are very pretty and hardy, I love mine. remember they need 10 gallons by themselves when they aree full size, and they will not stay small in a small tank. cichlids just keep growing and growing and growing....