Down to 4!

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
Ok the 55 gal has been up and running 3 weeks in total now! and everything is going well!

I continue to research for the right main attraction, you can see in my sig what is already in there! they are merely props/supporting acts! :eek:

It was always going to be a Cichlid tank and I had pretty much set my heart on FM's however........I made the mistake of having a detailed look around my LFS!!

I now have 4 options, with each option I want to end up with a breeding pair so would buy 5-6 Juv's

Blue Acaras

The whole central Amer biotype was just to hard to find suitable tankmates with a 55gal.

What do you think? I'm interested in what you would pick and why?

Jan 8, 2007
corrupt lfs
Blue acara...they get to be a decent size. Full of personality, and still arent too aggressive. Plus they are not that common. I think they would make great "main attraction" fish, in a tank full of dithers.


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
I think that you are wrong in the Blue Acara Area. My pair is extremely aggressive and I bought 6 for a friend and only one survived because they are so aggressive. I wouldnt reccomend them in your tank as everything will die. Same as if you were to add Firemouths. The Keyholes are the only one on your list that I am not very familiar with. I have 5 juvi Orange Rainbows at the moment and they dont seem to bad...I have a pair of Angels with them.

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
The Acara debate is a interesting one!

I have done quite a bit of research on all the Cichlids I mentioned and have to admit to differing feedback on Acara's some saying what Hamburgler said and others what you say Fishgeek, maybe that differing feedback alone rules them out!

I have kept FM's in the past for a year without any problems or aggression to any other fish in the tank other than the other Firemouths and then it was just displaying rather than actual bullying so my experience disagrees, although having kept FM's before puts them slightly down the order!

So I could be down to two choices then! Keyholes and Rainbows

Jun 2, 2005
Luton, England
Rainbows it is then!

I finally decided to today after much deliberation, a few factors made my decision.

Blue Acara's - I love my cory's and didn't want to take the chance of having to lose or move them!

Firemouths - Love these guys and really enjoyed keeping them before, but on closer inspection at the LFS today realised the 6 they have in are all Male and I'm impatient so can't bothered to wait for the next batch! *SUPERSMIL

Keyholes - Probably to nervous for the tank location and don't fit my natural PH!

So Rainbows it is, decided i'm going to pick them up tomorrow!