

Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Dozer is a barred Midas from Jeff Rapps, who got his name because with any luck, he should turn out to be every much a beast as his father, BigHead. Anyway, Dozer is doing really well now that he's settled in his tank. He's bulked up a little since I got him about a month and a half ago, and has turned into an absolute terror. He's about 7", and is the only Midas/Devil juvie at that size that I really haven't trusted. Even Kujo, who is about the same size and hella aggressive, is a big chicken shit as soon as his tank is opened up for water changes or whatever - he'll hide and I can put my hands in the tank no problem as long as I keep an eye on what he's up to. Dozer here, from the first water change I did on his tank after getting him (couple days after he arrived), I can't even put my fingers near the surface. He's a total rage-aholic. And I freaking love him. Lol most of the pics where he's facing the left are because he's trying to attack my fingers.

Lol love this...