dragon fish


Small Fish
Feb 18, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm thinking about getting "dragon fish". They are long "eely" and gray. Apparently they have quite a history of escapism. The LFS states very loudly KEEP A LID ON IT

anyone know anything about this fish or where I can find info?

Mar 14, 2005
Vacaville, CA
I googled it and there is tons of info.....


Dragon Fish are usually hardy and easy to keep, and they are very peaceful fish.

Dragon Fish are also called Violet Gobies.


Scientific Name. Gobioides broussonetti.


Comments. Dragon Fish have very small eyes and have difficulty seeing and finding food. Be sure that their tank mates don't eat all the food and starve the Dragon Fish. Even though they look ferocious, Dragon Fish are very peaceful fish.

Appropriate home. An aquarium with at least 29 gallons of water, an exterior power filter with a bio-wheel, and a maximum of 1/4 inch of gravel. Dragon Fish do well in either a cool water aquarium or a warm water aquarium. The water temperature should be between 65 and 78 degrees F. Click here for more about warm water aquariums.

Dragon Fish are found in brackish water which is a mixture of fresh water without salt and marine salt water with a lot of salt. Dragon Fish do well in either fresh water or brackish water with one tablespoon of Aquarium Salt added to each five gallons of fresh water.

Recommended Diet. Dragon Fish eat Ghost Shrimp and Black Worms. They will also eat live and frozen brine shrimp.

Compatibility. Keep one or a several Dragon Fish in an aquarium, but do not keep just a few Dragon Fish together, because the strongest Dragon Fish will make the other Dragon Fish miserable, unless there are several Dragon Fish to distract the strongest Dragon Fish.

Good Tank Mates for Dragon Fish are Angel Fish, Silver Dollars, Swordtails, Mollies, and Corydoras Catfish in a Warm Water Aquarium.

Dragon Fish are also good tank mates for Goldfish such as Fantails, Black Moors, Telescopes, and Orandas in a Cool Water Aquarium.

Size and Life Span. Dragon Fish can live for several years and grow to be 22" long, but they rarely grow longer than 15" in an aquarium.

Apr 26, 2005
nj usa
i had 3 gragon fish

i have had 3 dragon fish none of them wanted to eat i even tried pouring food over their faces . they are so cool but i had my difficulties. with them. vewry peaceful although my waether dojo loach wasnt happy with him.