Driftwood and Stocking


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
Does it matter what type of wood the driftwood is formed out of because me and my uncle went down the creek the other day and found several pieces and the only one we could get up was made of Cedar or Pine one. Would that kill my fish because of the intense core of the wood?

Also im not getting anymore fish for 5 months. Then i will invest in some oto's *BOUNCINGS


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
if you're going to have otos theyn you might want to be more picky. I did get some dw that is probably pine and it hasn't affected my fish so far, but it does give off lots of tannins. Keep up with water changes and you should be ok.

Feb 27, 2009
Does it matter what type of wood the driftwood is formed out of because me and my uncle went down the creek the other day and found several pieces and the only one we could get up was made of Cedar or Pine one. Would that kill my fish because of the intense core of the wood?
Softwoods such as pine and cedar should not be put in an aquarium. The resins they give off are a natural insecticide to protect the tree when alive. The chemicals will kill fish over time.

Feb 27, 2009
Will the Hardwoods stain the water or are there certain ones that wont do that
All woods can leech tannins, which are not harmful to fish, until they are 'cured.' Boiling the piece of wood can hasten the release of the tannins if it bothers you that it colors the water.

I'm getting ready to add a new piece of driftwood to a small tank tonight, and it has not been boiled. I'm hoping it will color the water since it often induces fish to spawn. The darker color makes them feel more secure.

are there woods that Oto's would like better than others or does that matter?
The three Otocinclus species I keep do not care about the wood. They like to eat the algae that grows in it, but it can be a rock, fake decoration, plant, or real wood. The surfaces gives the algae a place to grow. They do not rasp wood like some plecos do.


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Birch is one of the least tannin releasers and looks good.

Pine tannins are called turpentine. Turpentine will kill humans. Imagine what it would do to fish.

Pine, cedar, yew, or anything that has a fragrance instead of a woody smell when you scratch the bark.

If you can scratch the wood with your fingernail your wood is generally too soft.

Awesome woods with small leech are birch and grape.

Feb 27, 2009
also, how many would you recomend for my tank?
It is hard to 'recommend' a number of fish like otos. If you have a steady supply of algae in a mature tank, they should be kept in a shoal of 5 or more.

If you keep the tank clean, do not overfeed, do not overlight, and keep up on water changes, you have no need for otos.