Driftwood and your first born child

Oct 22, 2003
Biloxi, MS
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Um, maybe I am crazy, but I just went to floridadriftwood.com and shopped around for a piece of driftwood for my tank (for some strange reason, the petsmart here does not carry it, and neither does the LFS.) and they wanted 175.00 for one.....others were similar......is it just me, or is that a lot of money to pay for a friggin wet twig???


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Ouch.*ALL* That's a lot of money. I was checking out their wood the other day, too.

The Malaysian sinking driftwood is supposedly better. We found some in the reptile section of PetCo the other day. They don't have it in the fish section. They had some horrible wood on slate, and then we found some Malaysian hidden under grapewood (not too good in aquariums). It was about $9 for a 12" chunk, I think. We were very happy with the price and look of it.

Other places to look are on eBay, aquariumdriftwood.com and aquabid.com.

Apparently taxidermists sometimes have nice driftwood, and will sometimes sell it to you. Just make sure it's a wood that won't leach toxins.

Oct 26, 2003
Toronto Canada
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Too much money. A $175 piece of driftwood would HAVE to be harvested in the amazon, and weigh over 15lbs to be worth that price. In short, it would pretty much have to occupy an ENTIRE 30Gal aquarium to be worth that much. As a general rule of thumb, exceptionally nice pieces of exotic, cured driftwood (such as mopani) should run you about $5-7 per pound. If you pay more than that then the piece of wood better sing to you and keep you company when you're feeling down :)

So yes, you would be getting ripped off. Try going to the next town over or something. anything is better than paying that much :)


Large Fish
Jul 24, 2003
i bought mine at www.thatpetplace.com i bought this one for my 20gal high (Sinking Driftwood Med 12-17" BRDWMP (Blue Ribbon)$8.99). i figured it would likely be smaller than described however, i was wrong! what i got looked nothing like the pic, of course. the piece was sort of dark brown and almost too big for what i intended. i let it soak for a good week to waterlog it and i turned a nice deep dark brown...the only problem is that it takes abt 3 weeks to stop turning the water a little brown. otherwise, i couldn't be happier!
