ok..i purchased some "drift wood" from my lfs..
not the standard type mounted to a piece of slate..
but the kind that turns your water into tea(i think its called wallaby wood)..its been in my tank for about a week and now there are a bunch of light colored pinhead sized "lumps" on it...my question is...does any one now what they could be??
i recently added two new clown loaches(4 total now) and two new silver dollar(3 total now)are they eggs?? are they mold?? is it harmful?? ??? any info would be appreciated
not the standard type mounted to a piece of slate..
but the kind that turns your water into tea(i think its called wallaby wood)..its been in my tank for about a week and now there are a bunch of light colored pinhead sized "lumps" on it...my question is...does any one now what they could be??
i recently added two new clown loaches(4 total now) and two new silver dollar(3 total now)are they eggs?? are they mold?? is it harmful?? ??? any info would be appreciated