
Jun 16, 2004
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Well I have three Bettas, each with their own little bowl. I know not the best environment for them but anyways, one of them has dropsy I think. I self-diagnosed him by reading descriptions and looking at pictures of other dropsy affected bettas. He's bloated and his scales aren't smooth against his body. Also he's gray around the gills and head area.... more dull then gray I guess. Anyways all three have gotten the exact same treatment and are fed the same pellet things and their water is changed at the same time. Should I be worrying about them? Also what is the best way to treat him? How exactly does the Epsom Salt treatment work? That is something I have on hand.... while all the other treatments I've seen (like tetracycline, etc.) I would have to go find.
The twist to the story is that these Bettas are actually my sisters, and I'm supposed to keep an eye on them while she's on a trip. She didn't think I'd have to do anything but feed them, but I just can't let him die while she's gone! He has to at least live until Saturday night! Please help me!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi Naive_Beta & welcome to the tank!

Dropsy... terrible, terrible disease. It is fairly common in bettas and gouramis (unfortunately) - likely some sort of viral disease but no one really knows for sure.

It causes internal organ failure, so things like the kidneys shut-down and the poor fish bloats-up from water retention. If his scales are sticking way out, for more than a few days (not over-fed) and he is swelling in the abdomen area, its likely dropsy.

I lost a three fish to it in a one month span. Not good. Not really treatable. The salt might help the swelling but it will not repair the failed organs. I have tried Kanacyn (anti-biotic) but that never seems to work.

To help you diagnose, visit:

He will likely live a few days (depends), but he will be suffering. Maybe wait till your sister returns, then suggest you help her put him out of his suffering by letting him visit Mr. Deep Freezer for about 20 minutes (put him in a cup with about 1" of water).

He will already be weak, and he will pass-on very quickly.

I don't say this lightly, especially to new people, but it is a part of fish-keeping to know when its time to help them pass-on.

I have my very first, oldest male betta, Rigel, who has been ill for the past week. He is not moving well, has trouble eating, simply surviving, his color is faded and his fins are wilted. If he was in the wild, he would have been eaten or died already. I have to put him down soon. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow. It's pretty hard to do, because you always want to hold-out and hope they get better.

Sometimes a little ceremony helps.

Good luck & sorry about the bad news :(

Jun 16, 2004
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well mr. spaz made it thru the night. he actually looks better today. last night i cleaned his tank hoping it would help some. he's still very lethargic and doesn't move around much. his color is still dull but he's not as swollen. it wont be the end of the world when he dies but i'd like my sister to at least be here. i'm not sure if shes gonna be able to freeze him, but she won't want him to suffer either. we'll see. i'd still like to try to salt treatment before we give up. thanks for your help iggy and ashleigh. i appreciate any advice!