Yeah, I love the little guy... I gave away two fish for him... so he wouldn't get chased or anything. If he lived for two more days I would have had him for five months. He is still the fish that I have had for the longest, although I'm sure my betta will live longer, too, cuz I'm becoming more experienced with fish... I've had 17 fish since last April... 1 baby died the 1st day I got him. Then the pregnant guppy gave birth the same day... I gave a bunch of fishies away... I kept four. Then my friend gave me 3 cories. So I had 8 guppies, 6 were babies, and 3 cories in a 2 gallon... I transfered them to a 5 gallon but they all died cuz of the drastic water quality difference. So I bought four more fish, with info on how to acclimate fish properly... I bought the platy, two mollies and a guppy. I gave the guppy and big molly away because they were chasing others (guppy chased molly, molly chased platy) The smaller molly (my fav) died for no reason... then a while later I bought a betta... he ate a hunk out of the platy's tail. I treated the tank with MElafix and had to take the filter out. The bad water conditions prob. caused the platy's dropsy.... I wish I had learned more about dropsy cuz I would have realized something was wrong as soon as the little guy started gaining weight. It wasn't until he looked like a balloon molly that I posted here... *sigh* At least I've learned now... I've been through a lot in about 8 months!! RIP, all u fishies that died!! *SLEEPING* lol
I think I'm gonna get some corys... I think it is better for fish to be with there own kind (except for bettas)... the platy prob. would have been happier if he had a mate. Also, there should be a 2:1 ratio males to females and I don't have enough room in the tank for them all... that would be 9 inches of fish in a five gallon... I don't want the tank to get overcrowded with babies, but I suppose the betta would eat the babies and so would the adults... also, I know a pet store where I can get young cories... I haven't really gotten to raise baby fish. The baby guppies I had only lived to be about 3 months old... *SICK*