

Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
a few days ago my platy suddenly got a little pot belly... it kept getting bigger so i asked about it in the beg. forum...i bought some epsom salt and put it in the tank to help in case he was constipated or something... then i noticed that the scales on his stomach were sticking out some... but not really anywhere else on him... the poor guy is still getting chased by the betta... anyway, should i put more salt in? Will he recover? I heard it was usually too late once the scales start protruding... Should I feed him, because I thought you weren't supposed to when they're constipated? Do I need to get other medince?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dropsy is usually associated with kidney failure from bad water conditions, bacterial infection, starvation or improper diet, it is almost always untreatable, you should quaruntine the fish and you can try treating with furan but it may already be too late, you should also maintain best water quality and feed well in teh main tank to help keep others from getting it, dont keep your hopes up about saving the fish


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah, I love the little guy... I gave away two fish for him... so he wouldn't get chased or anything. If he lived for two more days I would have had him for five months. He is still the fish that I have had for the longest, although I'm sure my betta will live longer, too, cuz I'm becoming more experienced with fish... I've had 17 fish since last April... 1 baby died the 1st day I got him. Then the pregnant guppy gave birth the same day... I gave a bunch of fishies away... I kept four. Then my friend gave me 3 cories. So I had 8 guppies, 6 were babies, and 3 cories in a 2 gallon... I transfered them to a 5 gallon but they all died cuz of the drastic water quality difference. So I bought four more fish, with info on how to acclimate fish properly... I bought the platy, two mollies and a guppy. I gave the guppy and big molly away because they were chasing others (guppy chased molly, molly chased platy) The smaller molly (my fav) died for no reason... then a while later I bought a betta... he ate a hunk out of the platy's tail. I treated the tank with MElafix and had to take the filter out. The bad water conditions prob. caused the platy's dropsy.... I wish I had learned more about dropsy cuz I would have realized something was wrong as soon as the little guy started gaining weight. It wasn't until he looked like a balloon molly that I posted here... *sigh* At least I've learned now... I've been through a lot in about 8 months!! RIP, all u fishies that died!! *SLEEPING* lol

I think I'm gonna get some corys... I think it is better for fish to be with there own kind (except for bettas)... the platy prob. would have been happier if he had a mate. Also, there should be a 2:1 ratio males to females and I don't have enough room in the tank for them all... that would be 9 inches of fish in a five gallon... I don't want the tank to get overcrowded with babies, but I suppose the betta would eat the babies and so would the adults... also, I know a pet store where I can get young cories... I haven't really gotten to raise baby fish. The baby guppies I had only lived to be about 3 months old... *SICK*