
Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
One of my platies has dropsy. How necessary is it to remove filter carbon? I know it neutralizes the medication but I am afraid of removing healthy bacteria! He is now in the 5 gallon tank by himself. I'm treating with salt and 100% organic Ich Attack. I soaked a shrimp pellet in medication and hopefully he will eat it. Please advise on anything more I can do!

The internet says dropsy is caused by poor water conditions usually. I really hope this isn't the case, but I cannot test the water since I think my test kit is expired. It has been giving me weird readings...all other fish are fine.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I removed filter carbon, just in case. I figured there is probably enough good bacteria in the gravel. Carbon is now in a bucket. I tested the water. The colors are difficult to tell, but it looks like 0-.25 Nitrate/Ammonia and 0 Nitrite. The possibility of 0 Nitrate makes me think it is expired. My tank has been cycled since August. He hasn't bothered with the shrimp.

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Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
The very first platy I got developed dropsy. unfortunately thats one desease that did not go away with salt and the regular treatment. My fish developed it as a result of eating too many live blackworms and failing to digest them. So idk what it is in your case but it can certainly be caused by diet as well. that would be dropsy/swelling as a result of constipation and infection of the gut.

Unfortunately I do not think your fella will make it based on my experience, but youre doing everything right. watch what you feed your fish. Platy like a more vegetable based diet, it is safest for their intestines.


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Most of what people think is dropsy is often fish constipation. Feed your fish spirulina flakes for a few day. If it truly is dropsy, medicate the food instead of the tank.

Spirulina for tropical fish is like a superfood, it has the highest level of easily digestible protien you can feed your fish. I have yet to have a tropical fish that refused to eat it.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
1 question. do you feed your platies with a base diet containing spirulina? really for livebearers you must, to have them grow healthy...I personally feed Spirulina 20 flake everyday. even my goldfish thrives from it.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
remove him to a quarantine tank if possible. one of the schools of thought is that dropsy is a bacterial infection that easily spreads.

in my signature is a link to wayne shmidt's site. He has documented and cured dropsy in bettas, you might gain some kind of helpful info from him.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
my blue platy, may he R.I.P., did not eat once he got dropsy either. I hope that betta article has the answer, otherwise it's not looking too good for you platy there. :(

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I cannot find the sub article on the betta site. Could you link me to it?
Please help!!!! The situation has worsened! One of my mollies in the 29 gallon will surely be dead tomorrow. It has a bloated stomach, is lying on its back, and breathing heavily. I removed it and placed it in an un-aerated 5 gallon bucket. I didn't have anywhere else to move him. I fear the infection has spread. A couple days before the platy got sick, one of my blood tetras died. I think this was a random occurrence. There was no sign of bloating or disease. I've had several of these bloods die...bad batch, I think, since the bleeding hearts I got from a neighboring tank are all still kicking. Water tests are fine and this makes me look like such a terrible fish keeper! Everything has been great until this week! It's just like back when I had an overstocked 5 gallon! Dead fish after dead fish after dead fish. Please help! I need to switch to spirulina flakes tomorrow!