
Dec 8, 2004
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Will bettas who have dropsy still build bubble nests and eat like a pig? I don't know if I'm just being really paranoid. My boy still flares at his girlfriend every once in a while. He eats fine. 3 pellets twice a day minus Sundays. He's not bloated looking, but his scales are bothering me. I don't know if it's just his coloration. He's really splotchy colored. When I look at him from the side i can see each individual scale on his back, but when I look at him from the top he's smooth. Is that normal? I've been reading all about these betta diseases and dropsy's freaking me out.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The sticking out scales is almost always after you see signs of bloating. If his color has changed, it might be a sign that he's not too healthy. Perhaps some extra water changes will perk him up. I think 3 pellets twice a day is too much, even if you skip a day.

Dec 8, 2004
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k thanks. by coloration i just meant that he's really odd colored in the first place. he's really bright though. i'll start feeding him less and see if that helps. i think my eyes were just playing tricks on me. one moment i'll think that he looks bloated, and another i'll think his scales look weird. then i dont see anything at all. i think i've just been really nervous lately because of AP testing and finals and college acceptance stuff lately. :confused: *twirlysmi

you'll commonly see betta scales from the side...if you don't see them sticking out from above, you are fine. One of my guys, Pig, has red scales with blue edges...so each one is defined and easy to see.

No, 3 pellets a day is not too much. I feed 5 once per day, and a lot of betta people I know feed 5 pellets 2x per day. What are you feeding him?...feeding the same pellet all the time can cause consitpation problems.

Bettas will often change color thru thier lives...especially marbles. How long have you had him? If he's new, there can be a DRASTIC color change afte you first get them when they 'destress'.

Dec 8, 2004
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ah- i got him maybe three weeks ago- and yes his whitish scales are really defined by a weird grey-blue color- i think that's what makes him look like his scales are sticking up. uh- i feed him the same pellets minus one day, and im looking for the best treats for them- microworms aren't very nutritious so i've heard so im still looking- any suggestions?

i think the whole dropsy thing was just a nervous mom thing- i have so many animals to worry about so i get a bit stressed hehe

unlike furry pets, bettas appreciate constant variety in thier food...and one of the most commonly fed pellets (Hikari Bio-Gold) has a high ash content and can cause problems if fed exclusivley. I trade off feeding a different pellet every week. Some of my favorites are O.S.I. betta food, Aquarian Betta Pellets, and Seachem's Betta pellets. My guys also like freezedried bloodworms (as an intermittent treat)...and they like O.S.I. spirulina flakes as well. In the summer if I have fruit flies around, I will stun them and toss them into the betta tanks for a treat as well. :)