Drying Live Rock?


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
I have found someone that is willing to sell me some Live Rock at 2$ a pound!!!

The only problem is that it has been out of his tank sense January and its been drying or may be dry.

Is that okay? What do I need to do with the live rock if I get it? I assume it will have to recycle but how long with the whole process of reliving the live rock take?

Any info would be great.



Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
If it is dry and has been for a while it is no longer live rock but base rock there are probably some life that may still be alive but not much. What you would need to do would be to add this along with some quality live rock and the live rock will reseed this.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
when ammonia and nitrite is at zero.

that should take 2 weeks to 1.5 months...depending on the amount of die off and how much LR u have.

it speeds the cycling process if u already have cured rocks.

i got precured LS and LR so everything was instant. but i still had to w8 like a month because i was busy and had no money T.T


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
So I am buying like 90 pounds of live rock that is drying. How much cured LR do I need in order to cause the rest of the drying LR to cure again?

This sounds pretty good I think i may move on this 200$ for 90 pounds of LR is pretty good.


Superstar Fish
Dec 10, 2006
lol yeah it is. wat kind are then? tonga, fiji, others???

i just love the tonga branches.

lets see 90lbs of base LR...hmmm

well it depends adding more cured LR will speed things up a bit. the more the better.

btw how big is your tank???


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
if the rock is dry than $2 lb isnt a bargin ... remeber dry = not live ;) ..... i dont belive dry rock is guna do anything for your cycle.... you still need to mix in some quality live rock and over time it wll seed what u have


Small Fish
Aug 2, 2006
TRe said:
if the rock is dry than $2 lb isnt a bargin ... remeber dry = not live ;) ..... i dont belive dry rock is guna do anything for your cycle.... you still need to mix in some quality live rock and over time it wll seed what u have

how long do you think it will take for the quality LR to seed the dry stuff?

How many pounds of new stuff would you suggest?

Can you buy dry rock anywhere else? do you have a website?

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Dry rock is just that......dry rock???? the term "live rock" is referring to the fact that the rock is inhabited by millions of bacteria of the kind that convert ammonia to nitrite. Adding this "dry rock" to your tank will do nothing more than if you added a dry plastic tupperware container to your tank. Seeding base "dry rock" can take months to years depending on how much you have and how porous it is. Why not spend a couple dollars more, get less rock but get good pre-cured "Live rock". This will save you time and bother over the long run. You could go cheaper by buying "Uncured Live rock" which is live rock that is fresh from the ocean and is covered with dying life that dies during shipment. This rock can then be scrubbed with salt water and placed in a container or directly into your tank and through water changes and constant cleaning until all the dead life is removed and the ammonia level and nitrite level come to zero then you will have "cured live rock" and a cycled tank in the process. The reason most don't do this is that it can be time consuming and smelly process....as the dead life is basically rotted off the rock and replaced with live stuff.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
Derpeder said:
This sounds pretty good I think i may move on this 200$ for 90 pounds of LR is pretty good.
if your willing to dish out $200 there are pleny of good places on the net that you can order liverock the only problem is youll have to cure it before it goes in your tank wich can take an extra week to a month ...... youll end up with less than 90lbs but the quality will be woth it *thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
derperder if I remeber correctly do you live in NJ? Im sorry i never got a chance to respond to that pm but Ive been busy with college apps and football bs. If you do live in New Jersey I have fiji premium that you could easily drive down and pick up and I could give you a good deal (and ive got alot)

If you interester shoot me a pm and we can talk stuff (also Ive got a lot of extras you may be interested in {everything fro my tank})

Let me know man and glad to see you up and on your way!


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
wow your in Seattle I goot mixed up ahah. If your still interested I could still give you a good deal but it be a little more for shipping ( I ordered this off of ebay so it would be the same thing)