Dual Filtration

Dec 26, 2008
I am currently cycling my new 20 gallon tank. I have a filter that I am not using leftover from my old 10 gallon tank. It is a 5-10 gallon whisper filter. I also have a Top-fin 20. Would it be a good idea to put both the filters in for better filtration, or would the current be to much? Also I have some filter gauss that might be able to limit the flow some.

Thanks for the help.


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
You are using the 5 to 10G filter now? I would use both for a while until you have bacteria established in the 20G filter. As for the flow it depends on the type of fish you have.

Restricting the flow really isnt a good idea, this can cause parts to fail prematurly, the pump turns at a set rate and pumps a set gph thru it, by restricing the output after the pump you raise the back pressure on the pump which can result in failure.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
My understanding is you want at least twice the filtration that the size of your tank is.

I have a Whisper 10-20 on a 10 gallon tank with three 2" Goldfish, a crippled Crayfish and about five tiny minnows. Although the water is always good (0 Nitrites, 0 Ammonia, 10 ppm Nitrates) I figure that the good water quality is due to the regular water changes I perform. The flow looks feeble, even after I change the filter pad.

I get traces of brown algae in that tank because the flow is weak I guess. I have an Aquaclear 70 on my 20 gallon tank. Water in that tank is also excellent, always. I get traces of the brown stuff in it also. Not sure why because I don't get any in the 100 gallon (two AC 110's) or the 40 (one AC 110).

None of the tanks get any sunlight and not too much artificial lighting either. They all get fed pretty well though.

As long as the parameters in the 10 gallon stay good I'll keep using the Whisper 10-20. But if I was starting off I'd get a much larger filter for it; maybe an AC 50.

Unless you need minimal water currents, I'd go big. Use the small ones until your tank is cycled.