Duncanopsammia axifuga


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Just picked up a 2 polyp frag of this for $65. From my research it appears that they are easy to care for as most lps and with the occasional mysis feeding grow really fast. My question which I can't seem to find the answer to is.....do I place it into the substrate or on the rock. Everything I have read says that they are found in about 20m of water in sandy areas but attached to solid substrate? sorry no pic yet maybe tomorrow


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Okay long awaited pics. The secnd head is just a small head on the back of the big front one.....

and a couple others, Duncan's neighbour

The gsp experiment growing on the back wall

and the toadstool


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Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
looking good! how much did u spend on that duncan?? also hows the gsp experiment doing?? i had mine rubberbanded to a magfloat on the back wall and after a few months last week it finally fell (never did spread) i think ima try again


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Tre, I paid $65 for it. The main polyp is about the size of a 50cent piece....I propped the long coralite into some live rock rubble with the heads point upward. Kaybee do you have any pics? and where do you have yours place? How long have you had it and has it grown at all? I know the small polyp is about twice the size it was in the store, not sure if it has grown or if it is just happier here.

Lotus that toadstool has grown from a small frag to about a good 10" across in about a year and a half.

Tre, that gsp started out with a tiny piece that I superglued to the back it has doubled in size, it fell off about 3 times and each time I glued it back. I am not so sure of the longevity of it where it is. I saw a tank that had it growing on the back and eventually it all peeled off.....I have some xenia growing up the side of my 29g....looks cool as it has moved up on the glass as they are want to walk around even if they are happy.


Large Fish
May 6, 2006
Tampa, FL
....Kaybee do you have any pics? and where do you have yours place? How long have you had it and has it grown at all? ....

Lorna, I glued it to some live rock approximately 4 or 5 inches up from the substrate. I got it on new year's eve, so you've had your's longer than I've had mine. So far I've fed it (or, rather, them) twice: mysis and cylopeeze which it eagerly consumed. From what I've read they grow pretty quickly, so hopefully there will be a couple more heads by next month. Here are a couple of pics:


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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Kay-bee they look great! I wonder if I should wait and glue mine up higher.....I will wait a week or so to ensure we don't have any light shock. I fed my tank so arctic pods and it actually grabbed some and ate it. I know it is eating what I put in but I think I am going to target feed it later today some mysis.....


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
It now has two full sized heads and when fully open is about 4 " in diameter. I recently bought a small short tentacle duncan that is in my 29g, it is sprouting some bumps around the head which I know from the other are new heads developing. This is a very nice coral and loves to eat mysis or other meaty food which it grasps with its tentacles though they are not sticky like an anemones are. It is non aggressive and I fully recommend it for anyone.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Mine have that green center, both the long tentacle and the short. The short has about 4 or 5 heads sprouting under the main and the long one that was the original now has the two large heads and is sprouting about 4 small ones.....boy do these things grow fast and eat....whole mysis shrimp....greedy little beggars.

Matt, the gsp on the back glass is still there. The original piece I glued came off and disappeared but before it did it had spread to about a dollar sized piece that is still there and spreading. If you have seen any pics of my tank you will realize why I want it there rather than covering that large 30lb rock that is completely engulfed in the stuff.....I think once it takes hold on a rock you would need to cook the rock to get rid of it as I can't scrape it off.....insidious stuff.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
nice! i dont really see them around too often.... last year there was this lfs around here that on weds nights they had this fragstravaganza wher the owner would pick out a few corals each week n frag them on the spot for real cheap.. well long story short one week he was fragin this duncan for $20 per polyp, man i wish i would have jumped on that :p
how bout a pic lotus? and how bout some updated pics of yours lorna ?