Dwarf Cichlid Breeder....

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Try my buddy, he lives in the boonies about 15 miles from me here in beautiful central oregon.


He specializes in cockatoos, I've been to his house, he's got this huge water conditioning system and about 200 tanks full of all sorts of dwarfs. (most of the tanks are home made from old windows haha) He's who I bought my blue ram from, he'll take care of ya.

Maybe not this weekend Mike, I'm dealing with a situation of ick and its already calimed a couple of lives. I really like those cockatoos, how many do you think I could throw in a densely planted 29 gal. with an 4 in. Elephant Nose Fish? So I'd have to buy $100 worth of fish for him to ship to me? Theres gotta be a cheaper way. I've seen a fish dealer ship 'em for $20. http://www.aquariumfish.net A box, styrofoam, and lots a "FRAGILE" signs I guess. Tell me what you think. Because I'm really interested in buying fish that beautiful and small for that price, the only drawback is that you guys are in Oregan, and I live in NEW MEXICO!! Thanks

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