dwarf cichlids in the community...


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
i have my heart set on acquirings a blue and gold pair of rams (for sure), i was wondering if i would be able to keep them with killifish....it would be a 50gal tank that was 3ft long, 18in wide and 18in high...and i also thought of getting a dojo loach..and maybe some hatchet fish or maybe a badis

what do you guys think, im open to all suggestions :)


Superstar Fish
Nov 16, 2006
Deerfield, WI
would a dojo and badis badis be ok as well?

I Can't comment on the Badis Badis, however the Dojo may be OK, the reason I say may is, I'm not sure of the temperment of Rams while spawning, and since the Dojo will inhabit the bottom of the tank along with them, problems may develop.

The Dojo IME is about the most passive fish you'll find, mine have never so much as nipped ANY fish they've shared a tank with. Plus they get fairly big (mine's currently about 7" and I think he's "done" growing) and they are pretty fast swimmers, so escape may be an option if the Rams get "nippy".

Side Note: If you get a Dojo, get a good fitting top for your tank, Dojo's have been known to "Prepare for Launch" and end up on your floor.

As far as the Killies, I Agree with Cichlid-Man, the Killies will probably spend 99% of the time at the top of the tank, your Rams will probably not care much about it.


Large Fish
Jul 19, 2007
if i have killifish i will also need a lid for them too as they will jump out...i was going to get a breeding pair...but i doubt they would successfully mate with my cichlids around so i think i will end up buying like 50 eggs and try to hatch them

there's sooooooo many fish i want to have...lol

i guess the badis and dojo will go in a future 40gal long...lol

ive got this mult tank syndrome BAD! im rearranging my room to accomidate the tanks....

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