Dwarf Gourami Activity Level Down


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2004
Visit site
I was going through pictures I had taken of my aquarium and found an old video I had taken of my Dwarf Gourami swimming in my tank. The reason I took the video was because he was going crazy, swimming back and forth and up and down the glass twirling and stuf like that. This was a about 6 months ago when I first got him.

After seeing that, I noticed that he no longer does that, and I sort of miss it. He was fun to watch when he would do that. Now, he just kinda casually swims around, nothing hyper like before.

I don't remember when he stopped doing that, but the only changes to the tank were replacing some plants (there could have been floating hornwort at the time he was doing this) and I changed his food from Tetra (either tetramin or tetracolor) to New Life Spectrum Small Fish Formula.

Is he just more settled in his new home, or should I try to go back to his old food?


Large Fish
Apr 22, 2006
New Mexico
i think he is just settled in. my two gouramis did that for a while and after you mentioned that i noticed that they dont do it anymore either. they are probably just relaxed now. although if i were relaxed, i would feel the urge to spazz out because im comfortable. hope i helped.