Dwarf Gourami and Food?


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Hello. I just brought 2 Dwarf Neon Blue Gouramis and I noticed that they are not really eating. I think its because the flakes that I brought are too big for their mouths. Occassionally they try to eat the flake but just end up nipping it.

I was wondering what kind of flake or pellets you guys use for Dwarf Gourami?
I saw a Tetra brand pellet, made for bettas and sm. fish, that I might try out...
Would appreciate any suggestions.

Also, my gouramis have been spending alot of time up at the top corner of the tank..near the waterline. I know that they breathe air from the surface..but it seems like they spend all day there. My filter and pump are working fine and I even see bubbles from my plant floating in the water. Is this normal?



Small Fish
May 13, 2005
I have a male dwarf gourami (he's pretty new), but he eats the flakes just fine....both big and small. If it's a big one, he'll just 'nibble' it down to size. He's ravenous and hovers at the top waiting for me to feed him, and then eats quickly. I tried some of the tetra pellets too, but those were really hard for him to eat. He DID eat them, but it went in and out his mouth about ten times per pellet before he could crush it down. I think they're harder than flakes. Mine swims all over, and is very curious about everything....maybe yours are just stressed in the new tank?


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
its most likely because they're new. most fish wont eat for the first few days in a new tank. if you think the flakes are too big then just break them up into smaller pieces, you also might aswell give that pellets stuff a try.
they're surface dwellers anyway, but once they settle in they should be swimming all over the tank.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Fish appreciate a variety in their diet. My dwarf gouramis eat Tetra Flakes, freeze dried bloodworms, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, & daphnia. They are both surface dwellers and bubble nesters, so maybe they will make a bubble nest at the top of the water and mate for you. Males make the nest, then coax the female to come and play.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Tarah..thanks for the info about the pellets. I might give it a try since they only cost like $2. Most of my Tetra Crisps are ending up on the gravel floor right now. They will nibble once or twice and lose interest...usually they're not hungry at all it seems. Will try breaking up the flakes and see what happens...

I just got them 2 days ago so maybe they are still settling in.

I also got some freeze dried brine shrimp to use as a supplement.

NoDelta - I got 2 males..I dont think they will mate anytime soon :) Do males build nests even when there are no females present? Just wondering..


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Ok..so its been about 4 days and my 2 dwarf gouramis are still not really eating..they just hang out in the top corner of my tank all day long. I just tested the water and the ph and amonia is fine. I used BioSpira to cycle my tank.

Am I worrying too much?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Are they eating anything at all? Have you tried the freeze dried brine shrimp? Are there any other fish in the tank (scaring them, maybe?)?

They're probably still adjusting to the tank and/or the food... fish will do fine for a week or more with no food, they may just be stubborn.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005

I tried feeding them some freeze dried brine shrimp last night but they only ate like one or two out of the lump of shrimp. Theres still some shrimp floating after I got back from work.

There are no other fish in the tank but those two.
They do seem to be venturing out from their corner hangout spot tho..they are in the middle of the tank now..still at the surface tho.

I think I will leave off feeding them for a day or two and see what happens.