Dwarf Gourami Question.


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
New to Gouramis (and this forum)

So I have a planted 20 gallon standard that is currently in the cycling process. I'm not planning on having fish in this tank for at least another week or two so I'm slowly planning out the fish.

My pH is generally 7.4 from the tap.
There is some driftwood & Rock in the tank. Plenty of swimming space but also enough "shade" from the plants on one side of the tank. The substrate is "river-rock" or something, not 100% on that as I bought from another aquarist over here.
What else? Ahhh
Although I've love to have a dwarf gourami, I am considering a pair of rams in case this doesn't work out :(

In addition, I'm planning on having a pleco or a fish similar, such as a couple oto's in there. (leaning towards a small pleco- a small bristlenose perhaps?) But I'm not sure whether they are compatible. But I haven't read anything that said otherwise.

From what I understand with my limited knowledge of gourami's is that one male suffices as they are rather aggressive towards other males: Like Bettas. Unless you have some of different colours?!?
So if I had one small pleco, a dwarf gourami, would that be way understocked and could I add a few more small fish or will the gourami and pleco be content enough by themselves?

Thanks in advance!


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
a bristlenose and a dwarf gourami is fairly understocked. you could easily add a small school of some sort of tetra or rasbora, you could also try some bottom feeders like cories if you wanted.


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
hmm, sounds like a plan. Rasbora's won't work with my pH although the co2 does keep it down, I'll likely go with a tetra such as a black-skirt.

Thanks for the help! Glad there was no problems with the dg and pleco.



Medium Fish
Feb 23, 2005
San Francisco, California
Yes I like my Black Skirt Tetra, and I WILL get a drawf Gourami - we are in the same boat. But I never heard of different colours of Gourami won't fight...

Get the Tetra first, as it is more hardy. Slowly stock your fishes.


Large Fish
Feb 16, 2005
Gaithersburg, MD
When I had turquoise 2 male gouramis and 1 male flame gourami (no females), they did not fight witheach other. Then one turq. passed away and another turq. and the flame got along just fine. Even when the turq. was weak (possibly from the same disease that killed the first turq.) the flame did not bothered him too much.
I had to euth. the turq. evntually and after reading on the web that gourami need to be in a party of 2-3 bought another flame who started to harass my old flame (who also suffered some kind of illness). The harassment was not so bad actually.
Anyway, my new flame got some skin disease and finally I had to isolate two of them in a hospital tank where they are undergoing treatment for their numerous ailments - Maracyn 1+2 (I am so tired *twirlysmi ). And they are love each other, no chasing, no desire to kill, kissing and embracing...
Today I had nitrite and amm. spike, had to change 75% water for them but otherwise they are doing just fine...
So, it all depends...


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
So how would rams do with a gourami?

... I don't really want to do that but it would be a way to get two of my favourite fish.

The reason I brought up the different colours is because someone I know has had success that way.


Small Fish
Mar 25, 2005
Or how about a dg with female bettas?

PreciousGems, how on earth did you find a female? No LFS near me will carry them. grrr.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
I have had as many as 7 dwarf gouramis and 2 rams all together in a planted tank with NO, and I mean NO problems. My gouramis grew up together, so I think they may be the exception and not the rule. One thing you need to be cautious about is mixing gouramis of different sizes. I had this honey gourami a while back, ahem, and he murdered off 3 of my dwarf gouramis within a week of entering the tank. He (the murderous fish) was about 50% bigger than the other gouramis. Keep them the same size and this will limit the intensity of the harrassing that may occur between the gouramis. The rams I have are the quintiscential peaceful fish in the tank. I'd love to get more but I think more male rams is trouble waiting to happen since mine has had the run of the tank (at least in his own eyes) for quite some time.

Mar 11, 2003
Drain - I found one out of the stupidity of my LPS. They had 2 males and 2 "young males" (which are obviously females). The guy said they just didn't get their color yet. Go figure, they are all the same size but the "young male" is still gray...
