Dwarf Gourami questions...


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Greetings all,

I am going to be getting a 54 G tank in the next month hopefully, and I am planning to purchase a m/f pair of Dwarf Gouramis. I am doing a little checking out about them before I get them though. Is there anything specific I should know about them? Any requirements that they might have? I am also planning to have a few ottos, a school of tetras, some guppies, platies and cories in the tank also. Will the Gouramis have any issues with any these fish?

Also, does anyone notice that there seems to be a lack of female Dwarf Gouramis in the fish stores? I have looked in all of the local ones and I have not been able to locate a single female Dwarf Gourami. I am getting quite frustrated. >.<

Anyway, thanks a lot people. ^_^



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Maybe ask your LFS if they can order females for you. A lot don't carry them because they are a plain brown fish :(

We have a dwarf gourami in our 18g and a blue gourami in the 65g. They don't like other male gouramis, but otherwise they seem fairly peaceful. Some people have reported them attacking smaller fish, though.


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2003
Yeah, I was thinking it over and have decided to get two females. ^^ Maybe three and another male.

Anyway, thank you all for your help, I really appreciate it. ^_^ I have gone to the lfs nearest me and asked if they order fish and they replied 'no'. >.< It's a Petsmart though, and so I'm guessing the chain stores prolly won't. I'm gonna try to call a Pet co. and see if they do and if not, I'll start ringing up the little, privately owned stores. Hopefully I'll be able to find one that does. If not, does anyone know any other way I could get them? Ordered from a web site perhaps?


Small Fish
Sep 11, 2003
Visit site
I live in England and i must be lucky as my local fish store always has female dwarf gouramis. The colours of the females look so much nicer in real life than they do in pictures!