dwarf gourami

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
I had a male dwarf gourami in my community tank w/ some ottos and rasboras, and today I got him two females, thinking I might eventually breed them. he had been building the most amazing bubble nests (nests? villas~!) I put them in this evening and he has been harassing them...which I suppose is somewhat to be expected...but one of them lingers near the top, looking not-so-hot. should I assume she is stressed, maybe dangerously, and put her through the further stress of moving her into another tank? or should I just let her stay, and hope that morning will see her in better shape? *sigh* bad bully gourami...:(

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
Wonderwoman . . .

I do not have any advice for your situation but my gouramis act in a similar way. I have 4 Pearl Gourami and one is a bit larger than the other three. The large one chases the others sometimes and especially when feeding. Once and a while I will see the smaller ones hiding in the back behind some plants.

I have read though that the Gouramis natural habitat is in densly planted waters so they might feel more comfortable "hiding." What you call "stressed" may just be like us stretching out on the sofa . . . just more comforable that way. :p The gourami may be perfectly happy hiding out. ?? Or I could be way off here who knows :)