Dwarf Gouramis/Cories with Zebra Danios???


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Right now, I have 4 zebras in a 10 gallon tank and am having a difficult time deciding what other fish to put in there with them!  I have water with a high pH (about 7.8) that is also pretty hard.  

I was thinking about a.) dwarf gouramis, or b.) some sort of cory.  I'm wondering if anyone has had luck with either species mixed with zebras (mine seem particularly "playful" and active).  

Is my water too basic for the gouramis?  Many online sources say that they prefer water at 7.0 or even 6.8.  Do you think a small cory species might do better?  And if I do go with the gouramis, should i get two males or a male and a female?  Thanks.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Nah it will be alright sirmul.....i have had gouramis for a year or two with higher Ph than that so it would be fine.............for a species i would start out with Dwarfs specimens as though the others will pribally outgrow your tank 8) i would say 1 male and i female Powder blue Dwarf gouramis these fish are reletively peaceful and are pretty small but, if you dont like those fish try Honey gouramis 8)

        I would stay away from getting 2 males try getting a pair or all females with one male :)

            Best of luck,
