Dwarf Gouramis (fire gouramis?)

Nov 12, 2007
I asked an employee at a fish store and he said that for my 20 Gallon tank Fire gouramis would be good to go in there, are these a type of dwarf gouramis? Also this is what I want to stock my tank with is this list okay?:
1 Fire Gourami (dwarf?)
3 Otos
6 Clown Plecos (too much?)
8 Red Phantom tetras


Large Fish
Jun 6, 2006
New England
6 clown plecos is way too much for a 20 gallon tank, for starters. Especially with 3 otos, as at times these fish will all be competing for the same space.

Your plan sounds quite overstocked, even by my standards. The plecos alone would overstock that tank.

Nov 12, 2007
Somebody else told me on another site that I should do this:

1 Blue Powder Gourami
2 Clown Plecos
4 Black Skirt Tetras since I already have two.

What do you think about that?

Or should I get 4-6 Sterbai Cories instead of the plecos and no otos? Also would the powder blue gourami be a dwarf or a normal gourami?

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
I'd start by rounding out your black-skirt tetra school by adding 3-4 more.
They're fairly nippy as far as tetras go, and they do get fairly large as far as tetras go, so I'd be wary of adding a gourami in with them in that size of tank.

One clown pleco would be plenty.
You could add 2 otos as well, or even 3 sterbai cories. If you didn't want the pleco, then I'd say do 5 cories instead.

This leaves you with roughly:
5-6 black-skirt tetras
1 clown pleco
2 otos OR 3 sterbai cories

I'd say that's pretty much fully-stocked right there.
Some might even say overstocked, but certainly do-able if you keep on top of water changes. And keep in mind that's just my suggestion as far as fish selection goes (based on what you said about your current tetras and other prospective stocking choices). You could take this in a whole different direction if you'd like and replace the 2 black-skirts with something else altogether.

Anyway, hope I'm making sense here. I'm up past my 'bedtime,' lol. ;)

Nov 12, 2007
That did make sense but I like bottom dwellers but I don't want that many, like some people said I should do this

6 Black Skirt Tetras
4-6 Peppered Cories
2 Bolivian Rams