Dwarf Gourmi Tank Mates


Superstar Fish
Mar 14, 2006
Sacramento, California
What would be apropriate tank mates for a dwrf gourmi in a ten galoon tank?

The list i put together was as followed(not all the fish recomended will be put in the tank):
Bala Shark(or any other shark)
Betta(absolutely not, found out earlier)
Other Gourmi's

Any other suggestions are welcome being I am a noob at fish raising.

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Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Bala shark... get very large (12") and are active and need groups... not a good 10g fish. They need more like 75g if you want them.

Other gouramis... not unless they are female dwarfs. Male gouramis tend to fight, esp. in smaller tanks. Other species of gourami in general get too big for a 10g, or the smaller ones are really hard to find and need very good water quality.

Barbs... depends on the barb. Smaller barbs should be fine (cherry, golden), larger schooling barbs (tiger, tinfoil) need more space and get too big for a 10g anyways.

Loaches... in a 10g, you are pretty much limited to kuhli loaches. They are a lot of fun though, I have them in a 10g. They like groups of at least 3.

Other suggestions... platies, guppies, tetras, otos, snails... pretty much anything suited for a 10g will work with a dwarf gourami, with the exception of more male dwarf gouramis or a betta.

Sep 16, 2005
okay... here we go.

i would say no to pretty much any shark... not only do most of them get too large for a ten, they are pretty agressive, much more so than a dwarf gourami would be.

i wouldn't try any other gouramis either, as they will get cranky and territorial with each other, especially if you end up with more than one male.

male bettas, as you already learned... no way. a female betta, however, would be just fine in my experience. i've kept them with a blue, neon dwarf, and honey gourami in three different tanks.

barbs: if you were setting up a 29, i would say go for it. however, they prefer to be in schools, and most of them get too big to keep a school in a 10g.

cherry barbs, however, are the odd ones out. they stay smaller than most of their relatives and don't really school... they're kind of lone rebel fish, so you could have one or two of them in your ten, no problem.

i also have two gold barbs in a twenty long.. they are great fish to have... but IMO they are a bit large for a ten.

loaches: great fish to have, not so great in a 10g. just like the barbs, they should be in schools, and get too big to school in a ten. the kuhlis are kind of an exception... they are like a one inch fish that has been flattened out an extra two inches :p

other species to consider:
white cloud minnows

EDIT: caps beat me to most of what i was going to say... but yeah..

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Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Coolfish5000 said:
:mad: Not true I have 3 Clown Loachs, and they get along fine
In the words of pepe le pu... Le Sigh. :(

Do you truely not get that this is NOT OK or are you just trying to see how long everyone will put up with you? I appologize if this sounds rude, but I honestly am nauseous thinking about your poor fish! *SICK*