dwarf gurami nipping dojo loach


Small Fish
Mar 13, 2010
:mad:hello all
today i got 2 golden dojo loaches and they are doing well they are not shy and are already active, already in the tank i had 2 dwarf gurami's and the one keeps going over and pecking at them while they are still, and it usualy goes for the face of loaches, i have a black kuhi loach and a couple guppies that the gourami never bothers.
does my gourami see these loaches as food or could he be trying to establish dominance?
and any idea if this will stop??
i love my new loaches and dont want them hurt and i also really like the gourami

Feb 27, 2009
The dwarf gourami is likely trying to protect his/her territory. Going for the eyes of a fish is how a fish disables another fish.

Do you know that dojo loaches get 10-12" long?

What readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are 'totally fine'?