Dwarf Honey Gourami not eating!

I have a small honey gourami living in a 15G tank with neon blue dwarf gourami, some rummy-nose tetras, and some neon tetras. The tank is about a month old, and all of the water parameters test well. The gouramis were introduced about a week ago, and both seem fairly active and healthy but....the honey gourami just won't eat. Come feeding time he shows no interest in food and hovers in the corner while the other fish gobble up all of the food. I once saw him foraging of the tank bottom, so perhaps he does eat a little, but i'm a little worried that he'll starve. Thanks in advance for any advice!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
what are you feeding them? He may be picky... I know it is normal for bettas not to eat for a few days, maybe it is the same for other fish... give him some more time... try other foods. he may just neeed more time to adjust... dunno

Oct 22, 2002
san diego, ca
i have two female dwarf gouramis in one of my tanks, and one of them greedily picks off flakes, while the other kinda halfheartedly looks at the gravel, kinda picking at some once in awhile. i'd try putting some sinking food, the kind you might feed your catfish or such. i found mine would eat the otto's algae wafers :)