Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish!

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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So I got a great deal at Big Al's on some teeny tiny baby dwarf neon rainbowfish for my new 20g long.

They are among the cutest fish I have ever had! They've been 'schooling' with my 5 year old black neons, and one of them even seems to have a penchant for chilling with the cherry barb. They're very active although a bit nervous, but it has only been a day.

Anyone here with experience keeping them? How long lived would you say? There doesn't seem to be much personal info on them, although lots of 'impersonal' articles on them. I'd love to hear (read) some stories.

Was also thinking about adding a 'centrepiece' fish at some point in the future (planted tank, hard water where I live, tank at 23-25 degrees, Marineland 200B filter...) and can't decide what. Suggestions? Or maybe I should just let my 'babies' grow a bit and see what I think...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I've been keeping dwarf neons for a couple of years. The ones I have now are the children or grandchildren of the first ones I had. I don't think they live very long--maybe two years or so. Fortunately, they seem to breed fairly easily.

They have fairly small mouths, so make sure the food is small enough.

Mine hang out in a shoal or in groups most of the time. They're fairly calm and don't seem aggressive at all.