Dwarf Pike Cichlids?


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
Anybody have experience keeping these (in particular, Crenicichla compressiceps)?

I wouldn't necessarily introduce them into my community tank, but perhaps someday, in another iteration of a tank -- I may be interested.

I've done some research, but am interested if people have personal experience with them...


Superstar Fish
Mar 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
CMan - Is there any way a pair (or a single) would work in a community tank, or are they too aggressive?

The limited amount of information I've been able to find so far on either species of dwarf pike hasn't been clear...

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Large Fish
Apr 19, 2006
I have kept a regani - I kept it with my discus, when I had discus. If it doesn't go in there mouth I found they ignored it, and that's what other people say too, though i think that when you get in the 25, 35 cms range they get a lot meaner. However the dwarf and super dwarf ones are not real mean, and quite a few are kept in communities. They are not however real easy to get as virtually all are wildcaught. There is a Xingu species capping out at about 8 cms that looks real nice, but I've never seen it for less than a few hundred dollars equiv.
They look like some real nice exotica, and likely worth the dollars. Vinny Cutty has a nice page out there, but the real expert died last year or the year before very young, I cannot recall his name. Info is not easy to get , the aqualog book is very unreliable, but likely as good as it gets I think.

There is practical and reliable info on the practical fishkeeping website, that would be worth looking at.