Dwarf Puffer stuff


Small Fish
Jul 9, 2003
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I'm in the process of moving my Puffers from the community tank (where they were not at all happy) to their own 10 gallon tank. I have two questions...
1. They are in a one gallon temp. tank until their new tank finishing cycling...they aren't too happy in there and arem't eating. Is it better to leave them there or put them back in the community tank for the next day or two? I love these guys and i want to keep their stress levels as low as possible.
2. Would it be ok for me to put my African Dwarf frog in the new tank with the puffers? They didn't bother each other in the community tank but i want to make sure.



Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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hey. guessing by your sig you have em in the ten gallon already so they should be okay in a while. what are you feeding them?

and you could try and put the frogs in there, but keep an eye on the puffers, they might attack it. good luck!



Small Fish
Jul 9, 2003
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Actually I jumped the gun in my sig :) they are still in their one gallon tank. The ammonia levels are too high for them to go in their own tank yet. I've been giving them baby mystery snails, baby ghost shrimp and some frozen brine shrimp....they don't seem to be too interested in eating though......hopefully once things get settled down they will do better ...


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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yes. moving them seems to make them peeved.:D i got my puffer to eat brine shrimp the first day i got him( five minutes after i got him home ) now he mostly eats freeze dried shrimp, and he loves the stuff. a one gallon is kind of small, so try to get them in the ten as soon as possible. keep us posted!:D

i cant find an african dwarf frog anywhere here! i wanted to get a couple, but they dont seem to be around.


Small Fish
Jul 6, 2003
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I have a dwarf puffer in a ten gallon with to pristellas and he completely ignores them. Mabye I just got a nice one or something. He eats and loves frozen blood worms. If the frog and puffers don't bother each other in the community tank, then I think they would be alright in the 10g.

How much longer till the 10 is done cycling?

Good luck!



Small Fish
Jul 9, 2003
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I was hoping that the tank would be cycled soon but its taking its time! The nitrates still haven't spiked ---i'm not sure why because the ammonia levels did 2 days ago.
The puffers were looking really bad this morning so i moved them back to the community tank. They still weren't eatig but one of them was having fun harassing a black mystery snail thats 3 times its size. I went to the LFS and one of the employees (who happens to be one of my ex-students) went through the tanks and pulled out some newly hatched snails for me....they look like their eating a little.
While i was gone to the store someone ate half of one of my big ghost shrimp (not sure if it was the puffers, the frog or my algae eating shark (who is tearing the remnants apart right now --very JAWS like :) but i didn't think they killed live animals).


Small Fish
Jul 9, 2003
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Whoops..yep i meant nitrites, no sleep last night :)
My puffers seem MUCH happier in the big tank even though they're right back where they started, maybe they realized that its better than the one gallon and they better just make the best of it!! One of them has become obsessed with my biggest black mystery snail....it's really fun to watch him trying to attack him :)

I added some glow light tetras to the new tank today to help it cycle quicker...they aren't very personable fish at all....but maybe i'm just used to my danios. I'll move them to my community tank once the tank is cycled.