dwarf puffers [pics]


Small Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Kansas City
I just wanted to thank everyone for help with these little guys! I wanted to get a couple so I read up on them thanks to the info on this board. They seem to be doing great in my 55 after being there a few days. They love their frozen baby brine shrimp. In any case, it's wild how they hold their own since each is no bigger than my thumbnail. Here are two quick cropped pics of the two girls.

Notice one of the Endler's in the background that are doing great also:

They love to follow me around when I'm outside the tank:

Thanks.. :cool:



Small Fish
Dec 2, 2002
Kansas City
Thanks for the warm comments! I also figured Adam would buzz in sometime. :)

Circuitdragon- I've wondered this myself, that is if the freshwater puffers really puff up. I think they do to a small extent from what I've read. I'm glad to hear you like the pictures too! It took 20 minutes of patience to get those two decent shots out of about 6 tries. I actually just have some good equipment I use for hobbyist pics -- a 6.0 megapixel Fuji and a good Sunpak external flash. All my fish pics lately are taken in full manual mode [F1.5, ISO125 normally] with auto focus still on.


Serious Alister you'r puffers look very happy!! You'r photographs are nicely done and professional!! MY puffers are kept in a 20 gallon tank!! 2 puffers, 1 chinese algae eater, and 3 ghost shrimp!!!
About the puffing I think since dwarf puffers are so tiny that when they puff up you cna't really tell or i've just never seen them puff up!! :)

GOOD LUCk Ken you'r fish look very nice and good choice on fish. LOL I have endlers too LOL